Counting down from ten, here are your most sought after PAT accessories:
10. is the very useful 240v UK 13amp plug to 110v 16amp 3pin Socket
9. Make sure that microwave is safe with the Microwave Leakage Detector
8. Get swatting up with the Handbook of Portable Appliance Testing
7. Stay in-line with the IEE Code of Practice
6. Neatly write out all your results with the Fluke Robin PAT Test Log Book Register
5. Connect the un-connectable with the IEC Cloverleaf Adaptor
4. Keep sockets in order with the Metrel Tek989 Socket Tester
3. Get it clearly labelled with red WM7 250 Failed Labels
2. Train in your own time with the PAT Training DVD and Online Exam
And at one, our top rated accessory:
1. Give appliances the green go-ahead with WM1 500 Passed PAT Labels
This top ten is compiled via the most popular accessories you are asking for at the moment. Not surprisingly, coming in at position one and three is labels. It’s also good to see the PAT handbook and the Code of Practice in the top ten, meaning that you’re all concerned with regulations and getting it right.
Is there anything on this list that surprises you?
Written by Sara Thomson