The NICEIC’s campaign ‘Jobs for Girls’ is gaining ground and now has the backing of Conservative MP, Andrew Selous who stated;
“There has never been a more important time to reach out to the public to address these issues and stimulate opportunity.”
The ‘Jobs for Girls’ campaign aims to get more women into the electrical industry and attempts to dispel the myth that this field is a men only industry. This will hopefully increase the number of women working within the electrical sector.
The campaign can very easily apply to the PAT testing industry, a field that does have a tendency to be male dominated in nature.
With this campaign NICEIC are highlighting the need for industry change and the need for female workers to be embraced more in the electrical field.
This male domination may put some women off who would otherwise like to get into the industry, however with the NICEIC campaign this could be about to change.
If you are a woman who would like to get involved in the electrical industry, why not consider PAT testing.
A new PAT testing business will allow you to work for yourself and help the ‘Jobs for Girls’ campaign fulfil its aim.
Visit electrical training course for information on training courses that can help you start a PAT testing business.
For start up equipment, take a look at the PAT testing kits available which include everything you need to get started.