So you’ve decided to become a PAT tester, you’ve completed a training course and the only thing left to do is decide which PAT testing machine to buy.
PAT Testers range from basic pass/fail testers to more advanced testing machines. Besides this there is also the decision of whether a mains powered tester or a battery powered tester is needed, whether you need to test 110v or 230v or both of these and whether you need a downloadable or manual tester.
Each of these are important considerations when deciding which PAT tester to choose and can make your choice incredibly difficult.
However, the most important consideration, when deciding on a PAT machine, is the type of testing you will be doing. Without any of this information you cannot hope to choose the right tester for the job you need it to perform.
See our previous post on this issue for further details or see our FAQ page which also has good information on this subject.
Once you have made your decision, the next thing to do is find some clients. This can be difficult for new starters and is something that once you have established can give you repeat work.
Once a client is happy with the work you carry out for them, they are much more likely to call you back when their equipment next needs testing.
Reliability is key in this instance and once a client finds someone they can trust, they are much more likely to stick with this person.
Ensure that you are honest, open, willing to show qualifications, can offer a competitive price and make sure you inform them of the importance of portable appliance testing including their legal obligations.