An Ex RAF Electrician and NET fair winner completes the PAT Testing Business Start up course to refresh his existing electrical knowledge.Michael Baines attended the recent North Electrical Trade (NET) fair where he was the lucky winner of the PAT Testing Business Start up course.
Michael from York was an RAF Electrician for 22 years and after leaving the RAF became a Convent Site Manager for three convents. His previous background and electrical industry experience meant that when he attended the Business Start up course, he was able to use it as a knowledge refresher.
Michael ultimately wanted to improve his knowledge and refresh his existing skills. Winning the PAT Testing Business Start up course at the NET fair meant that Michael was able to fulfil this goal.
Michael, as expected, passed his course and is now at home starting his PAT testing business. “This course has really helped me to gain confidence in testing.”
If you would like more information on the course that Michael completed visit