Did you know that ESC (Electrical Safety Council) launched an app a little while back?
The app has been designed to be used by anyone planning to move into a new home and allows them to do quick visual checks to ensure that electrics are safe.
ESC launched the app to coincide with the anniversary of the National Grid and have been particularly promoting it to landlords, to help them ensure that all their properties are safe for the rental market.
It has been made with non electrical people in mind, is easy to use and highlights the potential dangers for each room in a home, explaining how to fix simple issues. It also highlights the importance of using a registered electrician when serious issues arise.
ESC made the app available for both iphone and Android devices and say:
“We wanted to create something which people would find effortless but essential, ideally to be considered as a basic tool when viewing accommodation.”
Part of the reason for the app is to make people more aware of electrical safety as there is a worrying trend towards complacency where electrical danger is concerned amongst the public. It is hoped that the app will encourage more diligence with electrical safety in the home and help people to become safer when using electrics and appliances.
Written by Sara Thomson