Recent research revealed some interesting results regarding Electrical Contractors’ general buying habits.
The research turned up some promising results and showed that contractors still see service as the most important thing to consider when buying goods. Following this came price then quick delivery as the next most important considerations.
However, many simply said they continued to buy the best tool for the job despite the costs.
The survey also revealed that choice and technical support, whilst still making the list of important considerations, were lower down than those previously mentioned. Reportedly this is due to the fact that contractors are knowledgeable about products and what they require.
However, those who are ‘brand loyal’ were in the minority with many instead choosing manufacturers offering the best equipment at the best price. Some admitted that they have tried new products based on recommendations and promotions of particular products.
Most interesting of all is that almost half of those surveyed said they would be prepared to ask for a bespoke solution if they couldn’t find what they needed.
These interesting results highlight the pressure that contractors face to finish projects as quickly as possible whilst still providing a quality service at competitive prices.
The results show a positive attitude in general, proving that quality is not compromised for the sake of price whilst contractors continue to look for the best solution for the job.
Written by Sara Thomson