Smart and Digital Technology Embraced by Electricians
26th March 2013
A recent survey revealed that 83% of electrical contractors use smart technology as a part of their daily working life. What is interesting is that of those surveyed, a quarter said that they would feel lost without their laptop, ipad or smartphone whilst going about their business. This highlights how much the electrical industry has changed to incorporate smart technology...
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Revealed: Plug-in Energy Saving Device Failure
20th March 2013
In recent years ‘plug and go’ devices have become popular with those keen to save money on electricity bills and especially with the rapid rise in energy bills we have all seen recently, these devices seem like a really good idea. But are they? The manufacturers of these products market them as energy saving devices which can reduce energy costs...
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Miniseries Part 2: Fourth Edition of the Code of Practice
12th March 2013
Continuing on from part one of our miniseries discussing the new fourth edition of the Code of Practice: The fourth edition interestingly recommends that it is good practice for all equipment needing testing to be clearly identifiable and labelled, and that this could be in the form of a barcode to ensure unique identification. This could be especially important in...
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Miniseries Part 1: Fourth Edition of the Code of Practice
7th March 2013
Part one of a two part miniseries focusing on the new fourth edition of the Code of Practice from the IET. The fourth edition of the IET Code of Practice has been designed to ensure that those responsible for the maintenance and testing of appliances fully understand the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. This updated version of the Code of...
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HSE and Electrical Safety
6th March 2013
The Health and Safety Executive, (HSE) have highlighted their ‘toolbox’ information on electrical safety. Directed at businesses, the information attempts to get people thinking of the risks of working near electricity and the importance of taking precautions. Included is a case study which tells of an electrocution taking place within a work place environment and how preventative measures can be...
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Appliance Safety Campaign from ESC
13th February 2013
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of high profile recalls of UK electrical products. Some of these recalls have even hit the national news. Now however, ESC has launched a new appliance safety campaign which aims to cover related issues in product safety design and user behaviour to help improve the process of product recall...
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A Look at the IET Code of Practice Changes
7th February 2013
A recent webinar from the IET aimed to combat some of the confusion around the changes to the IET Code of Practice. In it they highlighted the issues with the 3rd Edition of the code of practice and what steps they have taken to improve things with the 4th Edition. They began by saying that the 3rd Edition was printed...
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Free Event: Clearing up Confusion the IET CofP
5th February 2013
Recent changes to the Code of Practice from the IET have left some of us confused as to what they now mean and what we need to do. However, there’s no need to worry. PASS and Megger are hosting a fantastic free event road-show designed to combat the confusion and create a clear understanding of what is now expected and...
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Electrical Contractors Buying Habits
22nd January 2013
Recent research revealed some interesting results regarding Electrical Contractors’ general buying habits. The research turned up some promising results and showed that contractors still see service as the most important thing to consider when buying goods. Following this came price then quick delivery as the next most important considerations. However, many simply said they continued to buy the best tool...
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Electrical Appliance Left on Causes Fire
16th January 2013
Fire-fighters have issued a warning after an electrical appliance caused a fire after being left on charge overnight. A laptop computer had been left to charge through the night and subsequently overheated, catching fire while the family were sleeping. Their smoke alarm alerted them to the danger and the family smothered the fire themselves with a tea towel before calling...
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