Can You Tell Me Any Quirks About The Kewtech KT71 PAT Tester?
31st July 2015
The Kewtech KT71 has a number of interesting features. For example you may see the message ‘OFF’ followed by a ‘?’ with a red fail indication when doing an insulation test. This is because the tester checks the load (Watts) presented by the equipment which is being tested but it can’t read below about 200 Watts. If the Wattage of...
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What Are The PAT Testing Qualifications I Can Get
31st July 2015
A number of PAT companies, including ourselves, run training courses in PAT Testing. On successful completion of the course, some offer a Certificate of Attendance; we offer a Certificate of Competence. We have also developed a 3 day Business Start Up PAT Testing Course for people who would like to start their own PAT testing business. We also offer the...
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What PAT Test Reports Do I Have To Produce?
31st July 2015
There is no criteria for producing reports in the IEE Code of Practice 3rd edition; the reports formats and content will vary, depending upon the requirements of the management team in managing and reviewing the inspection and testing of electrical equipment. There are however recommended model forms which indicate the information to be recorded - IEE C of P section...
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How Do I Fill In A PAT Test Label Properly?
31st July 2015
The Asset Number must be recorded and this may be a separate label or the number can be on the ‘Pass’ label together with the ‘Date of Test’, ‘Date of next Test’ and the initials of the person completing the test. The label should be easily visible to the person using the equipment.
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Are There Industry Standards To Filling In A Fail And Pass PAT Label?
31st July 2015
Yes, there are minimum requirements when completing a ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ label. It is recommended that you record the Asset Number, Date of Test, Date of next Test and the initials of the person testing. The recommendations are on page 38 section 8.4 ‘Labelling’ of the IEE Code of Practice 3rd edition. Examples of labels are given on page 118...
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Do I Need To Flash Test?
31st July 2015
Flash Testing or “High potential dielectric strength testing” is a high voltage Insulation test typically 1500 Volts AC for a Class I or 3000 Volts AC for a Class II and was common in PAT testing up until the IEE Code of Practice 2nd edition was published in 2001. On page 27, paragraph 10.4 it said “Dielectric strength testing is...
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What Is Meant By A Visual Check?
31st July 2015
A ‘Visual check’, test or inspection is performed periodically checking the cover and casing, power cord or lead and plug. The visual test must be recorded and the suggested frequency of testing is on page 34 table 7.1 of the IEE Code of Practice 3rd edition. A summary of the checks is as follows: Cover and case: Free from cracks...
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PAT Testing Earth Leakage
31st July 2015
In Earth Leakage Testing for Class I appliances, the amount of current which leaks through the insulation (No insulation is perfect; some current, however small, will leak through) is measured. In Touch Current Testing for class II, because there is no earth, two different methods of testing can be used. One is a probe test where the Earth Bond Lead...
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How To Pat Test IT Equipment In A Busy Office
31st July 2015
PAT testing in an office is usually reasonably straight forward as most of the testing in a modern office is IT (PCs, Monitors, Printers and Communications Equipment etc) either class I or II. The biggest danger when testing IT and Communications equipment is not damaging the electronic circuits with the test, it is loss of data. Best practice to prevent...
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Do I Need A Calibration Checkbox?
30th July 2015
In the IEE Code of Practice 3rd edition it is now recommended that PAT testers are checked periodically to ensure that they are still in calibration between the annual calibrations and must be recorded in a register for inspection. This does not replace the requirement for an annual calibration. The checkbox will also require an annual calibration. Page 48 section...
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