
Checking Up on Safety Checks
17th September 2010
PATTesters warns electricians about the importance of encouraging customers to have RCD checks and installations and about using good quality testing equipment. RCD protection is an important factor that most domestic households are not aware of, have no idea what it actually does and how essential it is for safety.
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A PAT Test Warning for Homeowners
16th September 2010
With a child being electrocuted to death from a games console mains charge recently, the need to ensure that electrical equipment is safe, in working order and bought from a reputable retailer is vital for your family’s safety. Having your portable electrical equipment PAT tested can save your home from catching fire and stop your family members from being seriously injured or killed from electric shock. By highlighting problems, a PAT test could save your life.
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NAPIT’s Back to School Support Pack
15th September 2010
This academic year NAPIT are focusing on education by supporting students and lecturers with a new Take-Away support pack. NAPIT realised that there was an information gap often having tutors contact them for help. NAPIT have now filled this information gap with their support pack, a pack that can aid students in their studies and lecturers in the presentations.
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