
Reporting on your PAT Software
8th January 2013
PAT test reports vary depending on the requirements of the management team responsible for appliance maintenance. However, as a guide the IET Code of Practice does contain some example recommendation forms of what information should be recorded as a matter of course. How you produce your reports will also depend on what testing equipment you have, for instance if you...
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The New Hot Hot Hot Campaign
3rd January 2013
At the end of 2012 ESC gave £5000 in funding to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) as part of the Electrical Fire Safety Fund. The money was given to help support a Northern Ireland campaign which aims to raise awareness of the dangers of hair straighteners for children. The campaign came about after there was an...
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New PAT Guidance an Opportunity
13th December 2012
Seaward recently reported that the emphasis on a risk based approach to workplace electrical safety testing will cause changes in the PAT testing sector. So what do these changes actually mean for the rest of us? The Associate Director of Seaward, Jim Wallace said; “There is no doubt that the latest guidance on portable appliance testing will require a new...
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It’s OK to have Festive Decorations in the Office
11th December 2012
Every Christmas HSE list their “Twelve Myths of Christmas”. This list consists of twelve of the most commonly held myths related to health and safety during the festive season whilst at work. They have reported that health and safety is being wrongly used as a reason for preventing harmless standard festive activities taking place. To stop this needless ruining of...
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Navigating the Minefield of PAT Testers
9th November 2012
With the PAT tester possibly being the most expensive, but essential, item of equipment in your kit, it is important to get the choice right. Even if you aren't buying your very first tester, it is still important to consider your choice carefully as there may have been new improvements and innovations since you last bought a PAT machine. So before making...
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Help Public Awareness of Electrical Safety
1st November 2012
It has been widely reported that the general public don’t take the dangers of electricity seriously and don’t consider the effects of faulty equipment as any great risk. So, we’re looking at what can happen when electrical accidents do occur and what the public should be aware of. By making people aware of the dangers of electricity, we can encourage...
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Farmers at Risk of Electrocution
25th October 2012
Recently a warning was issued to farmers about the risk of electrocution during the course of their work. The Farmsafe campaign is warning farmers to try and combat the death and injury numbers in the agricultural industry. There are two deaths every year and a great number of injuries. Apart from overhead power-lines being the most common cause of electrocution...
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Top Ten PAT Testing Accessories
17th October 2012
Counting down from ten, here are your most sought after PAT accessories: 10. is the very useful 240v UK 13amp plug to 110v 16amp 3pin Socket 9. Make sure that microwave is safe with the Microwave Leakage Detector 8. Get swatting up with the Handbook of Portable Appliance Testing 7. Stay in-line with the IEE Code of Practice 6. Neatly...
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Portable Appliance Types
3rd October 2012
There are a few different types of appliances which fall under the term ‘portable appliance’. These could be anything from an electric whisk to a fridge freezer, one is intended to be moved whilst in use and the other is intended to remain stationary but can be moved if necessary. To make things easier to understand, it is usual to...
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The Top Seven Popular Test Leads
27th September 2012
This week we’re focusing on leads and thought we would bring you a list of the top seven leads people are interested in at the moment: The IEC Clover Leaf Adaptor – used for testing cloverleaf IEC leads for computers 240v 10amp IEC to 240v UK 13amp plug -  used for testing extension leads 240v 10amp IEC to 110v 16amp...
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